Why Mobile Parental Control Is Required Immediately!

Why you should get online android parental controls immediately!

When we parents were young kids, things were way simpler. There was hardly an access to the internet. And somehow we were safe from most of the evils that are constantly prevailing around us nowadays. In the modern world, there’s no life without internet.

It has almost become the basic need of every human being on this Earth. Nobody can stay without using internet nowadays. Internet has undoubtedly ruled the entire world by making things easier to access, but on the other hand it has created millions of troubles as well.
The demerits of the internet are not usually considered by the people today. Parents are not fully aware of the harms an internet facility can cause to their children. We need to be careful and protect our kids from cyberbullies, stalkers, strangers with ill will and variety of other serious dangers. 
The solution to this rapidly growing problem is online android parental controls apps which work positively for safeguarding the kids. Get ready to use this modern technology tool to cope with this situation. Here is how it is beneficial.

Reduces the Likelihood of Cyberbullying

Every 7 out of ten teens in U.S are the dupes of cyberbullying. Further studies revealed that 54% of youth was bullied on Facebooks and 37% were been bullied on regular basis. You parents don’t even know that your young kids might get exploited by some experienced old hacker or by some of their friends who regularly keep torturing them by their harsh and indecent words.

Some Facts About Cyber Bullying

  • More than 40% of kids have been bullied online.
  • More than 70% of students have reported seeing online bullying. 
  • More than 80% of teens are using smartphones regularly.
  • Only 10% of kids inform their parent about cyber bullying. 
  • Bullying victims are more likely to commit suicide. 
  • More facts about cyber bullying are listed here – cyber bullying facts

Mobile Devices Are Less Controlled

Since the mobile devices are capable of doing same things as any laptop or computer, more and more kids are using them. However there are little awareness in parents about the way these devices are being used. Most kids know more than their parents about mobile phone usage. This may be a good thing feel proud for a parents as long as the purpose of the knowledge is not to misuse.

Many kids misuse the devices for variety of reasons, and these incidents are increasing in number in recent past.

Such incidents which you might keep ignoring can lead your child to mental destruction which is not in any way a good sign. By installing parental controls you can avoid such troubling mishaps and save your children from all kinds of ill-wills of others. Parental controls can help you in the following ways:

  • It supervises Social media to stumble on bullies.
  • It keeps you well notified of the social media friends of your kids.
  • It also saves Facebook conversation history.
  • It, in no time detects if anybody is stalking on your kid.

How It Makes It Easier To Help Kids Safely Use the Internet

Teens with the help of internet facility on their mobile phones can access mature content, drug dealers and other things which can harm them mentally or psychologically, for example suicide content etc. You never know what your kid is up to. 

He may going through this kind of stuff or getting addicted to porn or something. You surely won’t want to let this happen, right? So why not spend a few pennies which are worth your kid’s life. Immediately get online parental controls and safeguard your kids from all of this negative stuff floating all around on the internet. Parental control software can help you in the following ways.
  • It makes sure your kid gets filtered search on the internet.
  • It helps your kid not get to see the mature content on web.
  • It saves web history.
  • It blocks inappropriate advertisements and applications.
  • You can easily keep track of your kids text messages using SMS tracker apps.

Keeps You Up-To-Date about your kid’s Location

Your young kids might lie to you about their whereabouts. They keep it hidden from you where they’re having a party or something. But in case of emergency you can always access them using this software which in no time detects the location of the device with your kid. So you can never lose track of your kid. Here is how this software is a big help for you.

  • It keeps the device of your kid located 24 hours a day.
  • It helps you take immediate action to find them wherever they are and whenever you want.

Brooke fill in as tech and Parental control Expert. She mostly covers latest technology news and reviews of monitoring apps for kids and employee. Find spy app for android at TheOneSpy cell phone spy software blog

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