7 Common SEO Myths

Most Common SEO Myths that many webmaster did not know about

SEO is often represented as an elusive beast – and it’s certainly something that needs expert advice and attention. There’s a lot of talk about what it is and isn’t, but what are the facts on SEO?

To help make things a little bit clearer, here are 7 common SEO myths, debunked:

SEO Is All About Getting To The First Page On Google

SEO is about getting your business or brand recognised by people using search engines. That does involve getting high in the rankings of all the major search engines, but there is a lot more to it than simply ‘top page Google results’, as some companies will have you believe.

SEO Is Only For Big Companies

Small companies in fact stand to benefit just as much, if not more than larger companies when it comes to SEO. In many cases, good SEO can be the difference between a customer picking you or a local competitor. An online presence is important for all companies, however small, and if potential customers can’t find your website, then it might as well not be there at all.

SEO Is Too Expensive For Me

A good SEO provider will work with you and your budget to obtain optimum results. Although SEO should be done properly and comprehensively for full potential and the best possible outcome – it’s better to invest in some SEO than none at all.

SEO Itself Is A Myth

Any company using SEO to their advantage (just ask any blue-chip in the country) will tell you that good SEO is crucial to their business. It’s undeniably a confusing practice with lots of contradictory information, but one thing’s for sure, when used correctly, SEO can dramatically change your business and profit margins.

Any SEO Is Good

There are two types of SEO – good and bad. You may see a page which has a block of links or a load of keywords dumped in the footer. These are examples of bad SEO, and whilst they may have worked minimally or have been acceptable when they were first employed, Google is now cracking down on this sort of practice and is actually imposing penalties on companies – some of which involve having your site taken off Google completely for an indefinite period of time. When you think of the impact this could have on your business, it’s a safer, savvier choice to pick a professional for your SEO.

My SEO Is Good

When I Google my company I’m the top result – The whole point of SEO is having potential customers find you easily to bring fresh business through your doors. Good SEO is being Joe the Mechanic in Birmingham and ranking on the first page when someone searches ‘Mechanics Birmingham’ – NOT ‘Joe the Mechanic’ – as chances are if they are using those search terms, they are already a customer.

I Can Do SEO Myself

Many paid as well as free SEO tools are available for web masters.

Platforms like WordPress allow users to do their own SEO, with plugins like Yoast which simplify improving a page’s SEO ranking. Good SEO, however, comprises of a multi-faceted approach which only a professional can employ to ensure the best results. It’s a worthy investment which can make you a very good return on the money you spend.

If you’re interested in SEO, why not talk to our team? We can talk you through the ins and outs of SEO without using confusing jargon or tech speak, and make it clear, transparent, and tailored to your business. Isn’t that a refreshing change!

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